

About Englunden

Dear Resident

Welcome to Englunden, we hope you are happy to live here.

Here you can find the key points from the house rules and download them, find answers to your questions about your home and get help if you experience challenges with water, heat, hard/white goods or the like.

If you have any questions or there is something you are missing, you are always welcome to contact us.

Emergency number Key fob

Emergency number if the key fob does not work for the entrance: 31411214 – Securetec

This number should only be called if the Key fob does not work for your apartment - not for the entrance door or mail box.

Emergency number only for acute damage

Call 5362 0050 and leave a message or text and we’ll get back to you.

An acute damage is:

  • Damages e.g. on water pipes or installations.
  • A damage that cannot wait for a remedy or limitation.
  • An injury where there is a risk to the safety of the tenant(s).
  • A damage which will grow in scope and expense if it is not repaired immediately.


If the elevator does not work, please call Elcon, Elevatorservice 97926322


As a resident, you are required to comply with any directives from Bloch EA. You are also responsible for any damage or expenses caused by yourself, your co-residents, or your guests—whether in your apartment, the building, or the shared areas of the property.

Maintenance obligations

As a tenant, you are responsible for the maintenance of your rental unit. This means that you must ensure the repair of any damage occurring in your apartment.

If an urgent or other type of damage occurs—regardless of whether you are responsible for it or if it is caused by external factors—you are obligated to ensure that the damage is repaired.


Insurance – What You Need to Know

The property is insured through Bloch EA. This insurance only covers the building itself, not your personal belongings.

As a resident, you are responsible for obtaining household insurance and any other relevant insurance, such as:

  • Household insurance, which covers damage to your personal belongings due to fire, water damage, or theft.
  • Liability insurance, which protects you in case you cause damage to others

If you experience damage that you believe is covered by the property’s insurance, you must contact Bloch EA as soon as possible.

About the rules

The house rules must be read, understood and observed by all residents so we create a safe home for everyone.

You received the house rules with your rental agreement, you can also download the full version here on the website.

Read the House Rules in Danish

Read the House Rules in English

Why It’s important to follow the House Rules in Englunden

Living in Englunden means being part of a community where many people live together.

To ensure that all residents can enjoy a safe and pleasant home, it is crucial to adhere to the house rules.

These rules set out guidelines designed to promote well-being and mutual respect among all residents.

By following the house rules, we ensure:

  • Peace and Quiet: Respecting noise regulations especially int the evening and night allows everyone to enjoy their home without unwanted disturbances.
  • Cleanliness and Order: Keeping common areas clean and tidy makes the property a comfortable place for all residents.
  • Safety: Adhering to safety rules, including fire regulations and access controls, protects both ourselves and our neighbo
  • Community and Respect: Mutual respect and consideration foster a friendly atmosphere and good neighborly relations.

Following the house rules is not just part of your rental agreement; it’s a way to contribute positively to our community and ensure that we all thrive in our homes.

The key points from the house rules are described below, but remember that all rules must be followed, including those not mentioned here.

They must be placed in the marked places.

Take care of the Community

For at sikre, at alle beboere kan nyde et trygt og behageligt hjem, er det vigtigt at tage hensyn til hinanden, vi ønsker Englunden skal være et dejligt sted at bo.

  • Der må ikke stå sko eller andet i opgangen.
  • Take account of stair washing, remove your mat e.g. in winter.
  • No furniture or other effects may be placed in the hallways, the yard, the Parking Basement or outside the storage rooms. Everything is removed without notice at the resident’s expense.
  • Stil ikke indkøbsvogne nogle steder på Englunden.

Inappropriate behaviour, which is a nuisance to the other residents – the recommendation of effects, noise, noise, smoking – may result in a warning and clean-up at the resident’s expense.

Inappropriate behaviour

If you observe inappropriate behavior that is a nuisance to other residents, always try to talk together, if that doesn’t help, write to us.

Everyone must show consideration and avoid noisy behaviour.

Use of noisy tools may only take place between 08.00 and at 20.00 on weekdays and in the period between 10.00 and 18.00 on weekends and public holidays.

Residents must not be disturbed by loud music after 20.00 Sunday to Thursday and after midnight Friday and Saturday (as well as days followed by a public holiday). All doors and windows must be kept closed when loud music is heard.

Holding a party – be considerate and notify your neighbors beforehand.

Englunden er et helt røgfrit område. Det betyder, at det er ikke tilladt at ryge Lejlighederne, på Altaner, i Terrænet eller i P-Kælderen. 

They may be parked in the bicycle racks in the yard.

Be Considerate – left bicycles will be removed without warning.

The smoke alarm is located in the entrance hall.

The smoke detector is powered and must always be turned on at the circuit panel.

It is equipped with a backup battery, so if the power goes out, the smoke detector will operate via the battery.

• The built-in sounder will emit a constant sound when the detector's optical function detects a fire situation.

• The green LED lights up as an indication that the detector is powered.

• The red LED flashes approximately every 40 seconds to confirm that the detector is functioning.

• The red LED flashes rapidly when the detector is in alarm mode.

• The built-in speaker will emit warning beeps if the backup battery is low (will beep approximately every 45 seconds). If it does this for up to 20 consecutive minutes, it indicates that the battery needs to be replaced.

Remember to test the smoke alarm

• Always test all detectors after changing the battery.

• The smoke alarm system should be tested at least once a month.

Emergency Damage

Damage to e.g. water pipes and installations can appear when you least expect it.

An acute damage is:

  • A damage that cannot wait for a remedy or limitation.
  • An injury where there is a risk to the safety of the tenant(s).
  • A damage which will grow in scope and expense if it is not repaired immediately.

    Telefon udenfor normal åbningstid 53620050

You have a duty of care – you must ensure that the damage is repaired.

Self-inflicted Damage

If there has been damage to your apartment that you are responsible for due to incorrect use, default or accident, you must pay for the rectification and repair yourself.

For example damage to faucets, tiles and toilets that have been damaged by limescale and rust deposits, or a window or induction hob that you have broken.

External Damage

Has there been damage to your apartment which you did not cause and which needs to be repaired.

Repair of damages 

Contact Bloch EA via the contact form at the bottom of the page so that the damage can be rectified.

Boring vægge

Ophænging i lejligheden (Ikke badeværelse)

The interior walls are made of Fermacell fiber gypsum or aerated concrete. Ceilings are made of concrete.

• Drilling is allowed in ceilings for hanging lamps, etc.

• Drilling is allowed in walls for mounting, etc.

• Der må ikke bores i et bælte på 20 cm over og under kontakter og udtag samt ned langs væggen da der er skjulte kabler i væggene.

• Drilling is not allowed in floors, as there are hidden installations in the floors.

• If resistance is encountered while drilling, it may be due to hitting a reinforcement bar in the wall.

• Drilling must be stopped, and a new position for the hole must be found.

• Boredybden må maksimal være 40 mm.

• The wall's load-bearing capacity is 15 kg per plug when using 8 mm (Fischer) plastic plugs.

Mounting on partition walls made of fiber gypsum (Fermacell)

Lette lodrette enkeltgenstande, der – uden større fremspring – hænger parallelt på vægfladen, som fx billeder eller dekorationer, kan uden videre fastgøres direkte på Fermacell Fibergips med egnede søm, skruer etc. Egnede er f.eks. søm, billedkroge med et eller flersømophængning eller skruer og plugs. Oplysninger om ophængningens belastningsevne ses i tabel A og B.

NB! Be aware that steel plates are installed behind Fermacell panels in neighboring walls.

Mounting on concrete walls

For mounting heavy items on concrete walls (walls facing stairwells, facade walls, and apartment boundaries), it is easiest to drill holes with an electric hammer drill, then insert plastic plugs and screws into the holes.

Installing plastic plugs

When inserting plastic plugs for screws in the aforementioned walls, the plastic plug should be pushed 2-3 mm into the wall surface to allow for a neater and less visible repair.

OpMounting light items

For light items, special concrete hooks with steel pins are used.


Bathroom walls

Drilling is not allowed in the walls that make up the bathroom – neither inside the bathroom nor in walls adjacent to the bathroom.

The bathroom is a factory-molded concrete unit with wall thicknesses of only 5 cm, in which all installations are embedded.

The door phone has video and 6 touch buttons.

The door phone is equipped with signal LEDs which show which function is activated.

If the door phone does not work – here are the 2 most frequent reasons:

Red LED:
• Lights up when the phone is set to silent/mute - night mode, so you cannot hear it ring.

You can watch how you mute/unmute your door phone on the instructional video or continue reading below.

  • Push the bell symbol
  • Now a red button lights up above the key.
  • The door phone is now silent, and you cannot hear it ring.
  • Push the bell symbol again
  • Now the red button won't light up anymore and the door phone is no longer in silent mode.

You might have lowered the volume:

1. Press the picture button / light button to select user settings and confirm with the call button.

2. Then select Ringtone or Indstillinger Tastetone

Enabled: Sound when pressing buttons

Disabled: No sound Ring Volume: Ring volume, 8 steps

Remember: After setup, remember to save with the call button.

Is this not the problem? Please read the instructions manual (unfortunately only available in Danish) or watch the video guide below.

Read the door phone manual

Watch video guide - English

Apply for Dispensation

Dispensation must be applied for to keep ordinary, small pets, provided that the animals are accustomed to living in an apartment and can interact with people.

No disturbances caused by pets will be accepted. 

Dispensation for pet ownership must be obtained from Bloch Boligadministration.

If the rules for having pets are not adhered to, permission for keeping pets in the apartment may be revoked.

Dogs must be kept on a leash in the common areas.
It is the responsibility and duty of each pet owner to always clean up after their pet.

Dogs are not allowed to defecate either large or small in the yard out of consideration for planted crops, children playing on the lawn and the other residents.

Not allowed in the yard
Dogs are not allowed to defecate either large or small in the yard out of consideration for planted crops, children playing on the lawn and the other residents.

When you have a dog, please consider the other residents.

Barking dogs 
The resident is obligated to ensure that the dog does not bark during the day, especially when the dog is home alone.

It is not permitted to have a barking dog on the balcony, causing disturbance to the neighbors.

Application for keeping pets

Dispensation til husdyrhold skal indhentes hos Bloch EA.

You must include a photo and papers of the animal you are applying for.
Send your application to

Entrance door

Key fob dosen’t work

If you can’t enter your apartment with the key fobs, please follow the steps below:

1. Take the key fob, update it on the door phone at the entrance door for at least 10 seconds – be patient. Hold the key fob to the door phone until it emits a double beep.

Remember to update additional key fobs

If the key fob still does not work

Contact our emergency number: 31411214 – Securetec

(Danish voicemail after 16 o’clock weekdays and weekend – press 1 for emergency) MUST only be used if the chip does not work for the apartment and therefore not if it does not work for the entrance hall and mailbox.

A key fob costs DKK 500.

We will send the key fob to you by post, once you have received it, it must be activated on the intercom on the front door.

The cost is deducted from the rent.

Order a new key fob using the form here

Your name on the mail box

We have put the name on the mailbox, which is in the lease.

We put initials and surnames on all mailboxes.

If you want more names on the mailbox, please fill out the contact form.

Access the mail box

You gain access to the mailboxes with your key tag, you scan your tag in front of the reader, which is located next to the mailbox. The electronic lock automatically opens the pre-programmed mailbox.

The door closes and then locks itself after 5 seconds.

Venting your radiators

You must vent your radiator when:

  • It makes abnormal noises 
  • It has become cold at the top, even if it is turned all the way up.

You can watch the video on how to ventilate your radiator here or read the following instruction:

How to ventilate the radiator:

You can watch the video on how to ventilate your radiator, or you can read how to do it

Turn the thermostat all the way up to the maximum setting

You must have a cloth or paper towel ready.

Find the venting valve which sits on the radiator at the opposite end of the thermostat.

Hold a cloth under the valve, turn the valve counter-clockwise with the radiator key until a little water comes out.

Close the valve again by turning clockwise.

If this does not help

Remove the thermostat on the radiator.

Watch a video guide here or read the following instruction:

To remove the thermostat, hold the thermostat while turning the inner part of the thermostat.

The small pawl, which sits under the thermostat, must be pressed in twice with a hard object.

When the thermostat is to be put back on – it is important that THE GREEN BUTTON ON THE THERMOSTAT POINTS UPWARDS.

The drain

The following must not be poured into the apartment drain:

  • Substances that can give rise to deposits of sludge or solid particles (for example sand, paint, plaster, etc.).
  • Poisonous and corrosive substances as well as drug residues that can cause damage to drainage lines, treatment plants and nature.
  • Organic solvents (for example white spirit, turpentine, cellulose thinner, etc.).
  • Sanitary napkins, diapers and the like must not be flushed down the toilet.


Clean the Unidrain regularly

The floor drain in the bathroom is cleaned regularly to avoid clogging of e.g. hair, soap residue and grease.

If the drain is blocked in the bath, you must clean the unidrain yourself.

Watch the following video guide or continue reading.

How to clean the unidrain

  1. Lift the steel grate and the plastic trap can be lifted in the steel bracket.
  2. Dismount the Unidrain, the small gray box.
  3. Remove the lid from the Unidrain.
  4. Clean the Unidrain – dispose of the waste in a garbage bin.
  5. Flush if necessary with hot water.
  6. Replace the lid on the Unidrain.
  7. The drain of the Unidrain must be reinstalled in the drain.
  8. Replace the grate.


Ensure that it sits correctly in the drain – otherwise, the drain will quickly start to smell.

Watch video guide - English

No maintenance

The boards on balconies are maintenance-free.

They will turn grey over time, which suits the Bellishøj style.

If you choose to oil them, you are obligated to maintain them annually with oil.

Cleaning table tops

Table tops are cleaned with a mild detergent.

Limescale remover must not be used on worktops, as it breaks down the material.

All doors are surface-treated from the factory. For repair of small scratches and other exterior maintenance, Bloch Property Administration must be contacted.


  • Use ordinary cleaning agents, e.g. ordinary detergent or dish soap.
  • Dip a sponge or cloth in the washing water and wring the cloth well.
  • Clean from top to bottom. Wipe off.
  • Do not use too much water and no agent that can scratch or dissolve the paint.
  • Therefore avoid solvents, alcohol, scouring powder, steel wool etc.

The bathroom doors

The bathroom doors must be wiped after bathing so that condensation does not settle on the lower edge of the doors.

The bathroom doors must not be used for drying towels.

Take care of the floors

Always use felt under chair and table legs and underlays under office chairs on wheels. 


Daily cleaning is done with vacuuming and washing with mild floor soap or ordinary washing-up liquid with a neutral PH value.

The floor is washed with as little water as possible and with a hard-wrung cloth or mop.

Do not use a steam mop.

Marks from rubber heels, chocolate, shoe polish and the like can be removed with benzine or mineral spirits.

Apply with a soft cloth and wipe the stain, but avoid scrubbing to scratch the floor.

Water Hardness in Rødovre

The water hardness in Rødovre Municipality is 16-26, which is categorized as 'hard to very hard'.

High Calcium Content

The calcium content is high in Rødovre municipality, therefore you may experience more frequent scaling in your coffee machine or kettle.

Your faucets or handheld showerhead need more frequent descaling.

Your toilet needs regular descaling.

You'll need more soap when washing clothes in the washing machine.


Regular wiping of water and cleaning is the best remedy against scale. To avoid scale, always wipe down the shower after use and consistently empty the kettle.


In the shower, squeegee the surfaces and dry them with a towel or cloth each time you use it – this way, you'll only need to descale occasionally. The shower curtain should be washed in the washing machine to remain scale-free.


The toilet brush should be used regularly (preferably daily), scrubbing thoroughly at the bottom and along the flush rim – occasionally, use toilet cleaner for hygiene purposes.

Kitchen Sink:

Using a dish brush and detergent regularly in the sink prevents scale buildup, making it easier to handle later.

Tiled floors and wall tiles

Do not use any type of limescale remover containing acid on tiled floors and wall tiles, as it breaks down the joints. Cleaning is done by washing with lukewarm soapy water (soaked soap shavings).

Tiles must not be applied with polish or wax.

This paint is used int the appartement: 

Walls and ceilings: Beckers Scotte 5 RAL 9010 

Above the kitchen: Beckers GT 20 RAL 9010

Wood: Beckers Snickrisfinish 40 RAL 9010

Toilet walls: Caparol 20 Vit 

All materials are surface-treated from the factory. For repair of minor scratches and other maintenance, Bloch Property Administration must be contacted.


Cleaning cupboards

Cabinets are cleaned with a mild detergent.

The cabinets must not be exposed to continuous water. Therefore, water splashes etc. wipe off immediately.

Clean the toilet of limescale

The toilet is energy-saving, which means that it uses less water when it flushes.

This means that when you use both the small and large flush, less water is used, it is often enough and just a habit compared to the old toilets.

When water is saved, a laver’s flush gets into the toilet bowl, and more limescale is therefore formed in the toilets.

It is therefore important that you remove limescale in the toilet more often.

For this, cleaning agent for toilets with limescale remover is used.

Clean with a dishwasher tablet/descaling tablet in the cistern

You can clean the toilet with a dishwasher tablet in the cistern. Watch the video here or below to see how.

  • Remove the flush button by pushing up on the flush button.
  • Take a descaling tablet and put it down the hole into the cistern.
  • Reattach the flush button by pushing down on the flush button.

Toilet starts to run

Regularly check that the water in the toilet does not start to run. If the toilet starts to run, the landlord must be contacted.

Watch video guide - English

No maintenance

The boards on balconies are maintenance-free.

They will turn grey over time, which suits the Bellishøj style.

If you choose to oil them, you are obligated to maintain them annually with oil.

It is important to ventilate

Even with a recycling system, it is important that you make sure to provide good natural ventilation in your home to maintain a healthy indoor climate.

A healthy and good indoor climate goes hand in hand with a daily ventilation of 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day – all year round.

Many ventilate far too little in the winter months due to the cold. But precisely at that time of year, there is the greatest need for ventilation – precisely because we quite naturally spend more time indoors behind closed windows.

You don’t need to turn off or turn down the heat on the radiator, just venting for 5-10 minutes, the system will use more energy and therefore money if you think and turn off the radiator than if you left it on when out air out.

Water trap must be cleaned

To prevent the sink and kitchen sink from becoming clogged, the water trap should be cleaned as needed, but min. once a year.

Initially, this can be done with an old-fashioned mop:

  • Hold a cloth in front of the sink overflow and pump a few times with the suction cup.
  • You are welcome to fill the sink with a little water, then the vacuum effect will be greater.
  • If this is not sufficient, the water trap must be disassembled and cleaned with soap and water.


Blocked watertrap

If your kitchen sink has stopped, you must clean the water trap, which sits under the kitchen sink in the kitchen cupboard.

Find a video guide here., or continue reading.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Place a bucket under the water trap.
  2. Loosen the water trap by unscrewing the 2 plastic cuffs.
  3. Please note that the black rubber gasket must NOT be removed from the pipe, it must remain in place.
  4. Pour the water into the bucket so that the pipe is empty – clean the pipe by running a cloth through the pipe.
  5. Screw the tube on by screwing the 2 cuffs back on.
  6. Leave the bucket standing – turn on the water and test that you have scrubbed the water trap properly again.

You can increase the water pressure in the shower

The shower is also low-energy, so the water pressure may feel low.

Hvis du ønsker at forøge vandtrykket, kan du se videoen herunder eller gøre følgende:

  • Turn the open/close knob on the mixer tap all the way until it can't go any further.
  • Press the button on the handle that adjusts the water pressure.
  • Now turn the knob further until the water pressure is increased as desired.


Watch video guide - English

Descaling faucet

If a proper jet of water does not come out of your faucet, the aerator needs to be descaled.

Watch the video here or read below how to do it.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Wrap a soft cloth around the aerator so that it is not damaged, loosen it with pliers by turning clockwise.
  2. When it is loose, you can unscrew it with your fingers.
  3. Rinse it
  4. Put it in a glass of vinegar water overnight to loosen the limescale.
  5. Rinse the aerator
  6. Put it on the faucet – screw it in by turning it counter-clockwise, turn it an extra time so it’s really tight.
  7. Turn on the water and test that the water jet has become normal.

Åben vinduet helt 

You can open the window fully so that it can be cleaned on both sides. Watch the video on how to do this here. here

  • Open the window fully
  • This allows the window to be cleaned on both sides.

Washing Windows

Cleaning the glass, frame, and casing is best done with a soft cloth or brush and lukewarm water with a little dish soap or other mild, environmentally friendly cleaning agent without abrasive effect or solvent.

There are no agreements regarding window cleaning.

The cabinets in both the kitchen and other cabinets are from JCN.

Additional cabinets can be ordered through JCN – Klaus Stilling via email:

Cabinets must not be permanently mounted unless they are from JCN.

Closing mechanism

If you find that the cabinets do not close properly, you can adjust this yourself. Watch the video on how to do it here or read the instructions below.

  • Open the cabinet door.
  • Turn the latch.
  • If the latch sticks, push it out and adjust it again.
  • It may take several attempts to adjust it correctly.
  • Close the door.


Watch video guide - English 

Check that there is power on the relay

RCD Relay

There's no need to replace fuses as circuit breakers have been installed.

Check the distribution board – ensure all circuits are switched on. They should all be pointing upwards. 

If there is no power in all circuits, this could be the reason why the appliances are not working.

Switch the circuit back on.

If the circuit keeps tripping, contact an electrician.

Book an electrician here here 

Please note that if a technician is sent out unnecessarily because you could have fixed the issue yourself, you will be charged for the cost through your rent.

If you wish to report an error with the relay, please note the following: If the error was caused by incorrect power connection made by yourself, the cost of an electrician will be charged to you through the rent.

Report relay error here

About the Nilan system

The ventilation system in the apartment is from Nilan

The ventilation system must not be switched off, as the building regulations, because of the increased sealing of the home in relation to environmental requirements, require air exchange.

The system is set for each individual apartment and the system’s openings must therefore not be screwed on.

Ventilation grilles must not be uncovered or blocked. The same applies to the valve in the bathroom ceiling.

The heat recovery system is an advanced ventilation system that transfers most of the heat energy in the air that is sucked out of the apartment to the fresh, cool air that is drawn into the apartment.

Thereby, the home is ventilated with fresh air, so that the indoor climate improves.

It ensures constant ventilation, which is important to ensure a good indoor climate and save energy in the home.

The heat recovery takes place through the system, which is a specially designed ventilation system that transfers the heat from the air that is sucked out of the apartment to the fresh air that comes in from outside the apartment.

There are 4 speeds which can be set on the system itself.

The benefits

  • You save on heat by “reusing” the heat that is already in the house.
  • You get a good indoor climate.
  • You can get plenty of fresh air without wasting a lot of heat.
  • You avoid odors and some harmful substances in the air, e.g. from radon and degassing from furniture and materials.
  • The humidity in the house can be kept low, so you can avoid problems with house dust mites and mould.
  • The system can filter pollen and particles from the air, which is an advantage if you, for example, suffer from asthma or have a pollen allergy.

Good Indoor Climate

It can be felt in the indoor climate that there is a ventilation system.

If condensation starts to form on the inside of the windows. Or the humidity increases so that it feels a bit like a greenhouse, it is because the system is not working optimally and it needs to be checked and most likely restarted.

If it makes noise, check if it needs to be restarted.

  • The yellow button lights up, it needs to be restarted.


Check the filter and be sure you changed the filter. 

If the yellow button lights up, the ventilation system must be restarted.

Watch this video guide to see how you do it, or continue to read.

  • Push the 2 buttons for 10 seconds. The system will restart and the button will light up green.


There are 4 speeds on the system which can be set on the system.

1: When you are on holiday

2: Normal

3: Guests

4: Many Guests

The locks in the rooms must not be adjusted, as they are adjusted to each individual home.

Filters in the Nilan system

  • The filters should be replaced approximately every 6 months.
  • The filter should be cleaned approximately every 3 months.
  • Note that you need to hold onto the door as it is not attached to the system.

Change filter

Se vejledning filterskift – dansk 

See filter change guide – English

Clean the filter

The filter should be cleaned approximately every 3 months.

You can watch the video here on how to clean the filter or read below for instructions.

Here’s how you do it:

Note that you need to hold onto the door as it is not attached to the system.

  1. Loosen the two hinges at the top of the unit.
  2. Pull out the 2 filters.
  3. Brush them off with your hand or a soft brush.
  4. Place the filter back into the unit.
  5. Close the unit and reattach the hinges.

Never block the ventilation exhaust

Do not change the settings on the vents, as it disrupts the entire ventilation system adjustment for the apartments.

A dirty and partially blocked ventilation exhaust cannot replace the necessary air volume, which can lead to poor indoor climate, mold growth, moisture damage to walls and ceilings, as well as possible noise from the system.

Grate and air vents cleaning

Grates and air valves must be vacuumed regularly so that they do not become clogged with dust and dirt.

The brown ring around the air valve can be removed with a dry fiber cloth.

Vacuum the system and and brush the filters

You are welcome to vacuum the facility, which may be full of gnats, leaves, insects, etc.

Then the current or new filters have the best prerequisites.

  1. Switch off the system.
  2. Take the filters out while vacuuming.
  3. You can advantageously brush the filters free of dust and dirt, use a soft broom/brush.
  4. Turn on the system.

How to open the window

Der er børnesikring på vinduet. Du kan se på videoen here, hvordan vinduet åbnes.

  • Open the window.
  • Slide the window slightly backward.
  • Push the lock up with a finger.
  • Open the window.
  • When closing the window, the child safety lock will automatically engage again.


Watch video guide - English

Avoid termic breaks

Avoid termic breaks - keep windows clear!

The windows must not be exposed to uneven heat, this means that nothing must be placed up against the windows or sticked anything on the windows.

Please read below. 

Avoid termic breaks

The windows must not be exposed to uneven heat, this means that nothing must be placed up against the windows or sticked anything on the windows. Please read below Because it can cause temperature differences to occur in the glass, these temperature differences create tension between the cold and hot areas of the glass, and this is the reason for thermal breakage of the windows.

There must not be:

  • Placed cushions, bags, plates or other things up against the windows.
  • Stick foil, stickers or posters on the windows.
  • Install curtains, roller blinds, pleated curtains or built-in blinds in the window wooden frames, as they can get too close to the windows.
  • If curtains, roller blinds, pleated curtains or built-in blinds are installed in the wooden window frames too close to the windows, if they touch the windows, there may be a risk of temperature differences.
  • Placed furniture very close to the window facades – especially on south and south-west facing facades.
  • Light grills close to the windows.
  • Switch on patio heaters close to the windows.
  • Place cushion boxes close to the windows.
  • Place garden furniture or other things next to or close to the windows.

Thermal break is easy to recognize

A thermal fracture is characterized by the fact that there are few fracture lines, and they proceed as even, clean fracture lines from the glass edge at right angles to it and towards the center of the glass. Thermal fracture is very characteristic and is only recognized at the edge of the glass.

Damage to the window must be reported

You must report a broken window below, please attach pictures of the window. 

A thermal break is not covered by the landlord and must be borne by the tenant.

No curtain rods, blinds or the like may be set up in the interior window frame or clearing .

Curtain rods and blinds can be installed in the wall instead. 

Just be sure that there is a distance of at least 10 cm, so that these do not touch the windows, as these are energy windows.

No hooks, child restraints or anything else may be installed without prior permission from Bloch Ejendomsservice.

No hooks or anything else may be inserted into the external aluminum frames.

Cleaning the glass, frame, and casing is best done with a soft cloth or brush and lukewarm water with a little dish soap or other mild, environmentally friendly cleaning agent without abrasive effect or solvent.

There are no agreements regarding window cleaning.

Watch video guide - English

Børnesikring af vinduer

The windows are equipped with child safety locks. Watch the video here, to see how you open the windows, or follow the instructions below. 

  1. Open the window.
  2. Slide the window slightly backward.
  3. Push the lock up with a finger.
  4. Open the window.
  5. The child safety lock will automatically activate when the window is closed.
Sorting your waste

Please sort your rubbish

We have challenges with waste.

Do NOT place the waste on the ground. It attracts rats and birds and blows into the gardens of the other residents.

Cardboard, boxes and boxes that do not fit in the Molok must be placed in the small flammable container and NOT thrown on the ground.

If the Molok is full, please go to one of the other Moloks.

Until the Municipality has got the waste systems up and running, we have got extra containers.

The municipality is understaffed and unfortunately it cannot be done faster.

We apologize for this, it is unfortunately a temporary solution.

Be considerate of each other, be kind to your neighbors and don’t just throw away the trash on the ground.

Vi har 2 placeringer til Affald – dette er molokker.

Do NOT place waste on the ground. It attracts rats and birds and blows into the gardens of the other residents.

Molok Station A: Engløbet 22

1 for Residual waste

1 for Food waste

1 for Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons

Molok Station B: Engløbet 62

1 for ½ Residual waste and ½ Food waste

1 for ½ Metal and ½ Glass

1 for Cardboard

1 for ½ Paper and ½ Plastic/Milk Yoghurt Cartons

Molok Station C: Engløbet 60 (Lukkes permanent):

Vi afventer byggetilladelse til at få rykket molokkerne indtil da SKAL alt affald afleveres ved de to andre molokstationer.

We have challenges with waste – please be considerate.

We have set up a container for small flammables.

Please fold cardboard and packaging so that there is room in the container.

Please respect that it is only small flammable, it must not contain electronics, chemicals or food waste/household waste.

Please sort your waste

You have received green bins for food waste and information flyers.

Here is a link to sorting guides:

sorting guide-2023-04-molokker_English

Prosimy o sortowanie odpadów.

Otrzymaliście zielone kosze na odpady spożywcze oraz ulotki informacyjne – oto link do polskiego poradnika segregacji:

sıralama kılavuzu-2023-04-molokker_Polish

Lütfen atıklarınızı ayırın.

Gıda atıkları için yeşil bidonların yanı sıra bilgi broşürleri de aldınız – işte Türkçe ayıklama kılavuzunun bağlantısı:

sıralama rehberi-2023-04-molokker_Türkçe

Будь ласка, сортуйте свої відходи.

Ви отримали зелені урни для харчових відходів, а також інформаційні листівки – ось посилання на український посібник із сортування:

Budʹ laska, sortuyte svoyi vidkhody.

Vy otrymaly zeleni urny dlya kharchovykh vidkhodiv, a takozh informatsiyni lystivky – osʹ posylannya na ukrayinsʹkyy posibnyk iz sortuvannya:
керівництво по сортуванню-2023-04-molokker_укр

يرجى فرز النفايات الخاصة بك.

لقد استلمت صناديق خضراء لمخلفات الطعام بالإضافة إلى نشرات معلومات - إليك رابط لدليل الفرز باللغة العربية:

yurjaa farz alnufayat alkhasat bika.

laqad aistalamt sanadiq khadra' limukhalafat altaeam bial'iidafat 'iilaa nasharat maelumat - 'iilayk rabit lidalil alfarz biallughat alearabiati:

دليل الفرز-2023-04-molok عربي

Du kan hente bioposer på Herlev Bibliotek og på genbrugsstationen.


We want Englunden to be a pleasant and neat place to be, therefore we have some rules which ensure that Englunden appears neat, tidy and with a uniform look.

Neat balconies and terraces

Balconies and terraces must be kept clean and tidy.
Please do not use them for storage or counter storage.

No storage

It is not permitted to have anything other than garden furniture standing on the balcony. Cupboards, refrigerators and the like. is therefore not allowed.

No Animals livestock

It is also not permitted to use the balconies for Animals livestock, including birds in aviaries.

Shielding Balconies

Only dark grey/anthracite gray outdoor balcony fabric may be installed on balconies/balcony protection.

The balcony fabric must go all the way around the balcony, it must be attached in a safe, orderly and neat way.

Installation of balcony fabric and color must be applied for, this must be approved by Bloch EA before installation, if this has not happened, the fabric can be required to be removed.

As a result, balconies appear uniform in Englund.

Planting / Shielding

Terraces must be separated/shielded with natural materials, e.g. planting of 0.8 m.

Bloch EA’s permission must be applied for and approved before installation.

The contact form must describe the desired material and image.

Bloch EA can require this to be taken down if it does not comply with the house rules or is in accordance with what was agreed.

Neat balconies and terraces

Balconies and terraces must be kept clean and tidy.
Please do not use them for storage or counter storage.

No storage

It is not permitted to have anything other than garden furniture standing on the balcony. Cupboards, refrigerators and the like. is therefore not allowed.

No Animals livestock

It is also not permitted to use the balconies for Animals livestock, including birds in aviaries.

Balcony boxes

Balcony boxes or other equipment must be placed on the inside of the balcony/guard and not on the outside of the balcony/guard, it must be kept clear.


Do you have balcony boxes. flower boxes or flower pots that need to be watered, so make sure that excess water does not run down to your bottom.

Window cleaning

There is no common agreement regarding window cleaning.

Take care and make sure that excess water does not run down to your basement.

Balcony boxes on the masonry

Permission must be applied for before balcony boxes can be hung on the masonry.


Permission must be applied for before awnings can be hung up.

These may be required to be removed if permission has not been given by Bloch EA.

Only gas grills and electric grills may be used, provided that consideration is given to the other residents.

Barbecues with charcoal grills are not permitted.

We can put a child lock on the front door so that small children cannot open the front door.

You must order it in the form and we will make sure that it is installed.

Each apartment has a fixed storage room.

There are signs with address information on the storage rooms.

A padlock has been provided for the storage room.

A key fob must be used to access the storage rooms.

Download the overview of storage rooms here

Parking Rules

Compliance Parking Rules

You have to pay for parking in the entire Engluden area, this applies both on the terrain and in the Parking Basement.

Make sure to park within the marked parking bays.

You may only park in relation to the parking permit you have purchased, i.e. only parking in the Parking Basement if you have paid for this and only on terrain if you have paid for this.

Q-Park ensures the correct signage and that the parking rules are observed in the area.

Bloch Ejendomsadministration has nothing to do with issuing fines or collecting fines, all communication about parking fees takes place directly with Q-Park.


You have to pay for parking in the entire Engluden area, this applies both on the terrain and in the Parking Basement.

A parking space is ordered, it takes up to 5 working days to receive a confirmation of a parking space.

Once you have confirmed the parking email, you will receive a link to Q-Park, where you register the car. It is your own responsibility to register the correct number plate.

Remember to update the license plate

If you get a new car – you must remember to change the registration yourself. the number in Q-Park’s system.

Parking space but no car

You can rent a parking space even if you don’t have a car. Just remember to register the car that will be parked in Q-park’s system.

Updated immediately

The new number plate is registered in Q-park’s system immediately.


Parking spaces may not be used for anything other than the parking of 1 registered motor vehicle without the written consent of Bloch EAS.


Order a parking space here


A parking space in the parking garage costs DKK 300 for a car.

A parking space in the Parking Basement costs DKK 200 for 2 wheeled motorized vehicles.

An above-ground parking space costs DKK 100.

There are no numbered spaces, but you may not park in a disabled space without a disabled sign.

Guest Parking

There are 5 guest parking spaces at the backside of Engløbet number 22-36.

The first 3 hours are free parking – after that it costs DKK 20 per hour.

The parking fee is paid via payment apps such as EasyPark, OK etc.

User manuals

The household appliances come from Electrolux. 

When reporting a fault in the appliances, it is important that you specify the model number, so they know which appliance is affected. 

Before reporting a fault in the device, it is important to check if there is power and to consult the user manual. 

If you request a technician because you are unsure how to operate the device, you will have to pay for the technician visit yourself. 

Instruction for use

Manuals for all Hard Appliances can be found at the link below – enter the model number that appears on the machine.

Or find the manual under the white goods.



Fridge Freezer: Electrolux LNS5LE18S

Induction plate: Electrolux HOI1624S

Oven: Electrolux COB100W

Washing machine: Electrolux EW6F4248K6

Dryer: Electrolux EW2C327R1

Dishwasher: Electrolux EEA47310L

Find Instructions here

The hood’s function

The hood is connected to the regrowth plant and therefore does not have an independent motor.

When hood extraction is needed, the extraction air and supply air are increased so that there is still a balance in the ventilation.

Therefore, an increased air function can be heard in the home when the hood is used.

It is a low-energy range hood, so its performance might seem less effective because it is quieter than a motorized range hood.

You can test the function:

Take a piece of toilet paper – the range hood should be able to hold the paper up by suction.

If this is not the case, it is usually because you must:

Restart the Genvex System 

Clean the filter

Read how to do so below

You can see in the video here how to restart the system, with this the function of the hood should work optimally again.

It may also be a good idea to check whether the filter in the hood needs to be cleaned.

Dailey Cleaning

The hood is cleaned with a damp cloth with washing-up liquid. Wipe the grease filter with a wrung-out cloth after each cooking session.

Clean the hood filter

When the filter in the hood becomes dirty, you can see it becoming sticky or discolored, then it must be cleaned.

You can see how in the video here or follow the instructions below:

  1. Remove the filter by pressing the buttons located by the 2 “handles” at one end of the filter.
  2. Put the filters in the dishwasher and wash it.
  3. Put the filters back on – first put the filter in place by putting it up in the hood at the opposite end of the button.
  4. Put the filters back on – first put the filter in place by putting it up in the hood at the opposite end of the button.
Order a Technician

Report an error with the induction hob

Before reporting a fault with the induction hob:

Please be Aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.


Order here

If you drop something on the induction plate and it breaks, a new plate must be installed. You bear that expense yourself.

It costs DKK 3.950.

Order a new plate here here

Watch the video about cleaning the induction hob here

If the induction hob does not work:

1: Check that you are using an induction pan. A pot for induction has a magnetic iron bottom, so the induction hob is activated when the pot is placed on the hob.

2: Check that you have not set the child lock on the induction plate – When you switch on the hob, if an L appears in the display. Then you have child seats on. Remove it before you can use the hob.

3: Check the power is on.

4: Read the manual what does the error code mean? Maybe you can do something yourself before asking for help.

Before reporting a fault with the induction hob:

Please be Aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

The machine does not work

Empty the fridge of food items

Take out the shelves and drawers and wash them. Use a little washing-up liquid or, alternatively, a little universal cleaner – completely environmentally friendly.
Do not wash the parts in a dishwasher, as they may be damaged by machine washing.

Wash the refrigerator thoroughly inside and out.

Remember to also wash and dry the refrigerator’s sealing strips.

A good idea is to spray with water mixed with washing-up liquid so that it gets into cracks and crevices. Let it work for a few minutes. Use possibly a toothbrush for cracks and fissures.

Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the overflow hole at the back and bottom of the refrigerator with a cotton swab or a pipe cleaner.

Clean any also the drip tray on top of the compressor, on the back of the product if possible.

If possible, it is a good idea to vacuum the condenser fins on the back of the refrigerator. It reduces electricity consumption.

The rot / bad smell can be removed by cleaning the inside of the fridge / freezer with a cloth and a special cleaning agent.
You can buy cleaning agents that neutralize odors and clean.


See Guide here



Foods such as lemons, onions and smoked foods can smell and the taste can be transferred to other foods in the refrigerator.

Keep strong-smelling foods away from foods such as milk, eggs and cheese, which easily absorb odors from other foods.

Before you report a fault with your refrigerator/freezer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.


You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

Order here

Empty the fridge of food items

Take out the shelves and drawers and wash them. Use a little washing-up liquid or, alternatively, a little universal cleaner – completely environmentally friendly.
Do not wash the parts in a dishwasher, as they may be damaged by machine washing.

Wash the refrigerator thoroughly inside and out.

Remember to also wash and dry the refrigerator’s sealing strips.

A good idea is to spray with water mixed with washing-up liquid so that it gets into cracks and crevices. Let it work for a few minutes. Use possibly a toothbrush for cracks and fissures.

Wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the overflow hole at the back and bottom of the refrigerator with a cotton swab or a pipe cleaner.

Clean any also the drip tray on top of the compressor, on the back of the product if possible.

If possible, it is a good idea to vacuum the condenser fins on the back of the refrigerator. It reduces electricity consumption.

The rot / bad smell can be removed by cleaning the inside of the fridge / freezer with a cloth and a special cleaning agent.
You can buy cleaning agents that neutralize odors and clean.


See Guide here




Foods such as lemons, onions and smoked foods can smell and the taste can be transferred to other foods in the refrigerator.

Keep strong-smelling foods away from foods such as milk, eggs and cheese, which easily absorb odors from other foods.

The machine does not work

Check that the power is on

Take the instruction manual

Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Order a technician pr email

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Manual - PDF

Download manual pdf UserManual_Opvaskemaskine

Before you report a fault with your dishwasher

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

Describe the problem and evt error code

Order here

How to clean the dishwasher

Watch the video here
Se videoen here

How to clean the filter in the dishwasher

Watch the video here

The filter system consists of:

  • A coarse sieve
  • A flat, fine sieve
  • A micro sieve

The strainers keep impurities away from the dishwasher’s pump. The impurities can sometimes block the strainers. Thorough cleaning of the strainers is important to ensure a clean filter.

1. After each rinse, check the strainers for residue.

2. Unscrew the grid filter cylinder and remove the grid system.

3. Remove any residue and clean the filters under running water.

4. Reinstall the grid system in reverse order making sure the arrow markings point towards each other when in place.

Get advice if the machine smells

Watch the video here

The machine does not work

Check that there is power on the machine.

Take the instruction manual.

Check the error code.

If the error code comes up about the water supply, check the water supply and open the water under the kitchen sink

Check that there is power on the machine, if not insert the plug into the socket.

Order a Technician

Be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Order here

Rens ovnen manuelt

How to clean the Electrolux oven manually.

See Guide 

Watch video

Download manual pdf PDFUserManual_Ovn

  1. Check that the power is on
  2. Take the instruction manual
  3. Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Order here

The machine does not work

Gør følgenden: 

  1. Check that the power is on
  2. Take the instruction manual
  3. Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician.

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your dryer

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

E-No., FD-No. and Z-No. for the machine – This is written on the data label in the open door.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

Order here

The machine does not work

Gør følgende: 

  1. Check that the power is on 
  2. Take the instruction manual
  3. Check the error code

If the error cannot be corrected and still does not work, check the error code and request a technician. 

Please be aware: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

Before you report a fault with your washing machine

Please be aware of: If a technician will be sent out and the visit is not required because you could fix the problem yourself. You will be charged the fee in the rent.

You must use this for the email:

E-No., FD-No. and Z-No. for the machine – This is written on the data label in the open door.

As well as a description of the problem and error code.

Order here

You can see how to keep your washing machine clean and good advice if it smells here
Apartment low energy

The building is a low energy residential property, which means, among other things, that there are rules for how much energy and water can be discharged. Because the earth’s resources such as water and heat are saved.

Residents’ expenses for water and heat will often be lower due to the way the building is constructed.

For example, less water comes out of the taps and flushed down the toilet. The window sections are larger, the apartments are ventilated by recirculation systems and the radiators use less energy. There are rules for how much heat is emitted from radiators and underfloor heating and the heat loss is minimized.

There will therefore be some things that are different from your previous homes, we have described this below, if you have any questions you are always welcome to contact us via the Contact form.

The windows are 2-layer low-energy windows, these windows insulate better than thermal windows and are thus energy-saving.

No more drafts and chills

Energy glass has an invisible coating that reflects the heat back into the room. This means that low-energy windows with energy glass allow more of the sun’s heat into the house than it escapes.

The better insulation means that no cold falls from the windows – you avoid drafts and cold air when you sit close to your windows in cold weather. When it’s hot outside, the low-energy glass prevents radiant heat from heated walls, stones and tiles from entering – thereby keeping it a little cooler inside despite high temperatures outside.

Please note that the radiator is an energy-efficient radiator and may not get very hot. You may experience it being warm only at the top.

Depending on how you set the radiators, they may not constantly call for heat as the thermostat will sense that the area where the radiator is located is already warm enough.

Therefore, one radiator may be slightly warm while the other remains cold.

These types of radiators do not use as much energy as older models.

Even with a recycling system, it is important that you make sure to provide good natural ventilation in your home to maintain a healthy indoor climate.

A healthy and good indoor climate goes hand in hand with a daily ventilation of 5-10 minutes 2-3 times a day – all year round.

Many ventilate far too little in the winter months due to the cold. But precisely at that time of year, there is the greatest need for ventilation – precisely because we quite naturally spend more time indoors behind closed windows.

You don’t need to turn off or turn down the heat on the radiator, just venting for 5-10 minutes, the system will use more energy and therefore money if you think and turn off the radiator than if you left it on when out air out.

It is a low-energy bathroom, so there is lower consumption of water and heat. 


  • Less water is used when flushing the toilet.
  • The water pressure in the shower is lower.
  • The room temperature is measured as a combined temperature of both room and floor heating.

The Toilet

It uses less water when flushing, both for small and large flushes, which is sufficient and just a matter of getting used to compared to older toilets. 

When water is saved, a laver’s flush gets into the toilet bowl, and more limescale is therefore formed in the toilets.

Contact form

Choose a subject below:


Bloch Ejendomsadministration

Ledige lejemål

Hos Bloch Ejendomsadministration har vi løbende ledige lejemål på andre attraktive adresser. Du finder dem here

Lavet af VR & Co


Udfyld formularen for hjælp til hårde hvidevarer. Din besked vil blive sendt direkte til Electrolux.

Vælg modelnummer herunder:

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